Wednesday 2 July 2008

Ledger theatre to be built in Perth

Perth, Australia, is getting a new landmark: an $87-million US, 575-seat auditorium named for a native son, the Heath Ledger Theatre, reports.

Western Australia state Premier Alan Carpenter said at a dedication ceremony yesterday that the name was appropriate, given how supportive the late actor had always been for fellow young performers, the Associated Press reports.

�Heath Ledger was totally dedicated to the craft of being an actor and that�s what made him successful,� Carpenter said. �I think what we�re doing is continuing that support for young people who want to make a career in the arts and acting, stage and in film, whatever it happens to be.�
Kim Ledger, the actor�s father, called the tribute a pleasant surprise.

�He was such a giver to the arts right across the board. I really feel that there�s not a lot of things he�d put his name to, but he�d put his name to that,� Kim Ledger told The Associated Press, who attended yesterday�s ceremony.

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